A Brief about English Language Lab

English language labs are a game changer of the digital classroom that brings technology and education under one platform. With a lot of talks about technology and what it can bring in future.  There is a lot to learn from examining the educational landscape.

At a time, language labs were ahead of their time. It succeeded despite hardware glitches and technological limits. Language labs are still finding their ways into classrooms, in a different form.

English educators across the world use English learning software in the classroom to help students to teach English language.

What Are Language Labs?

Language labs are both audio and audio-visual systems which help students to learn new languages through listening and speaking. At the start, old-school language laps needed hardware to be set up in classrooms. The teacher used to occupy one master console with students sat with mics. The teacher used to distribute content through content cassette-based system which students could listen and respond to their own pace.

Once the products are ready, students used mics to record their own content and return it back to teacher who could check students work as it came in.

Language labs were designed for classroom setting. Still, many institutions use them, knowing they are relics of past. However, today’s labs tend to become digital and software-centric.

Language Labs – Past and Present

Language labs originated in the 1950s when the idea was to rote memorization and repetitions were the ideal methods to learn new languages.

They stayed popular in the 1990s with the help of advanced technology considering shifting educational landscape. The true spirit of language lab lives on and there are multiple numbers of options are available today. Today’s language labs are hybrid of software, specially designed sound cards, and personal networks. Today’s lab is not only audio-centric; they use video and flash content also.

Language Labs to Teach English

There are a good number of reasons that give language labs to work:

  • You can use language labs to give every student individual attention even in a large group setting.
  • Students can take their time and progress at a pace which is comfortable for them.
  • You can hear every student’s voice. Students who are shy and intimidated to speak up feel comfortable to work with labs.
  • Many modern labs have excellent modern English and ESL learning content and also allow you to add your own content.
  • Learning a language was a boring affair has become a fresh and engaging aspect.

After reading this if you’re ready to explore the world of English language labs, here is a list of modern language labs are present today.

  • FluentU
  • K-Van Solutions
  • ODLL
  • Words Worth
  • SANSSpace
  • OpenSim
  • DiLL
  • Sanako
  • Repeat After Us

These are the top list of English language learning software available today.

Language labs are alive and going strong and right at home in your classroom. Now you have the list, you can easily choose which language lab is best for you. Happy learning.