language lab equipment
laboratory equipment suppliers, language lab equipment, Modern Language Lab Software

Top 4 features of modern language lab equipment in India

Effective communication is of great essence to successfully accomplish any project. Good communication skill is a tool to turn your business prospects to loyal customers. In job interviews students having required qualification fail to communicate their skills and they lose the job. English is termed to be the most common language accepted all over the world for communication. Therefore English language learning is being given priority from very childhood. But still many of the students even after achieving their professional degrees don’t feel confident to communicate in English.

Now language labs are in great demand for learning English. The language lab equipment are of great help to learn English with modern learning methodologies. The amenities provided to run the lab meet every requirement of effective learning. It turn a regular classroom to a learning lab creating interest and enriching language communication skill within students.

Interactive multimedia language lab software:

The modern language laboratory equipment manufacturers in India are on regular research and development of the software enabled to run the language lab. The software is up graded to meet the demand of the end user. It is made compatible to run multimedia applications. The applications embedded in the interface are made user friendly. The user who might not be a computer literate will also be able to run the applications with confidence and meet its ultimate utilization. Multiple classes can be conducted in a single day. The software running the applications is the key to make the class an effective learning session.

Digitalized Multimedia Courseware:

Interactive multimedia courseware is made compatible to the learning software which add value to every advanced language lab equipment in India. The courseware provide detailed description of lessons through audio and visual aids. In some cases, educational institutions applies for the facility after going through the embedded courseware. The digitalized multimedia courseware are developed as per the demand of the user. The level of courseware vary in respect to the category of educational institution. Therefore installation of required courseware is a demanding feature for effective utilization of the language lab.

Amenities and Devices:

Modern language Lab software are made compatible to run advanced learning devices. It is one of the key reason for the growing demand of interactive language laboratories. The teacher is assisted with a computer enabled with an interface with varied applications to run the lab. Modern language laboratories are provided with below mentioned devices.

  • Laptop: Teacher is given a laptop enabled with interactive applications with multimedia courseware. This provide him / her the sole authority to run the class.
  • Motorized screen and Projector: The lessons are being displayed through projector on motorized screen for better vision and greater focus over the lesson. 
  • Speakers and Headsets: The lectures delivered by teacher is made audible through speaker or headsets available with individual student for keen listening and deep concentration.
  • Digital Boards: Modern interactive language labs are also assisted with digital boards for effective learning. 
  • Student’s Console Unit: Individual student is facilitated with a console unit installed over their respective desks. This is the mode which help them to answer questions asked by the teacher. They can also send an alert message to get permission from teacher to speak. Students can increase or decrease the volume of their earphones or headsets with the press of a button available at the console unit. 

Low Maintenance Cost

Maintenance of a lab is a matter of concern for many user. So the maintenance is made easy and cost effective. The lab is being operated for long hours and also handled by many user in a single day. So proper maintenance is a challenging factor. The software and hardware both can be easily repaired in case of failure. The teacher handling the facility can get it repaired by following schedule instructions or through on time online support.

These facilities are provided by premium language lab equipment in India and Skill Junction Infratech Pvt. Ltd. earned the goodwill as the leader to make learning interesting and enriching. Serving since 1998 and the developer and patent holder of Interactive Software, Integrated Learning (ISIL) System.

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